I need only dive in a sea of potential meaning, fish for a description, a new adjective manifest in musical vibrations, from Avant Garde keynotes pouring into the cabin. So I drive on, protected in a bubble of steel and glass, the inner sea swishes against its walls. Words to give substance, while the horizon turns an angle; the skyline slips behind dull buildings; the ground tilts, and suddenly, this planet might not be as round. I might be traveling...

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Emily Speaks Up
Back home, after Christmas, Rhaya decided to get her act together and start over. With the holidays behind, she'd be sucked back to the dreadful routine of school, and homework in the afternoons. It was inevitable. But she could, at the very least, look pretty for her crush, maybe feel good about herself for a change. So, once again, she dove into tables and menus, serving sizes, ounces and calories. Rhaya threw herself furiously into aerobicize, two hours every day, believing...

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Crying Inside/ Familiy Allergies
I heard about it, you're crying inside. You won't let it out so your body does it for you, brings forth the symptoms, and all of us bystanders seem unable recognize the obvious. Your sneezes, the watery eyes from seasonal hay fever, pollens give you a reason, you are permitted to cry. Tests say its allergy to mites; gluten got a high probability, but no one knows for sure and probably never will. The specialist assures the shots may do...

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Things that Fly
When noticing things that fly, vision strives upward, blackbirds shriek, common gray ones flutter on branches loaded with nutlets. But past the trees, up above, a huge bird of prey, not a vulture, some hawk, maybe an eagle, scans the city by air. Over the buildings, gliding with patience, unhurriedly, up where time is different, and mountains surpass man made roof tops, the highest towers they are capable of. A vision wants to take off bad, again and again, to...

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