"Shush" instructed the winter wind, on a very cold morning. The Sun's familiar hug now weak, his usual toasty shawl much too light over my shoulders, and the steep cool-down made me shudder. I walked faster, as if it were possible to to flee the chill, cutting through every nook and cranny of my attire. My feet soon built up

A 2 Voiced Life
Writing inspired by roots, family ties, and the home. The past inside the present, reflections inspired by spirit.

A 2 Voiced Life
Welcome, so glad you stopped by for a moment. Here live the words that come forth, when roots awaken inside, memories infuse imagination, and the future dreams anew.

A 2 Voiced Life
"We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the pace for the first time." T.S. Eliot (1943)

A 2 Voiced Life
"Life is a spell so exquisite that everything conspires to break it." Emily Dickinson
Winter Scape Prayer
Make me the clearest water, a river's modest current, transparent to the Sun's arms, wintry cool though not frozen, winding lighthearted, all through out the original land. Make me crisp as linen, left to dry in the early winter breeze, to the matured caress of the daystar, my real lover. Give me if you may, the freshness of a dutiful
Prayer to go
Help my impulse, let only the purest emerge, don't allow me to think, enough pondering has been done here. Rush me toward my truest reality, that sudden drive to your designed road, that which is my true node, the vector of my mission. Whisper it to me in sleep, the ending words ever so loud, definite phrases to broaden my
Autumn shades
You’re dissolving, an invisible flame burns the pages quietly in the stillness of your study. Ashen skies glow softly, cradling the twilight sun; soft autumn light drizzles between branches, beyond the sliding window of your routine. You're are fading, while scribbling the usual, at your desk. My body only wants a moment, this very one, no past or future, no
I need only dive in a sea of potential meaning, fish for a description, a new adjective manifest in musical vibrations, from Avant Garde keynotes pouring into the cabin. So I drive on, protected in a bubble of steel and glass, the inner sea swishes against its walls. Words to give substance, while the horizon turns an angle; the skyline
Emily Speaks Up
Back home, after Christmas, Rhaya decided to get her act together and start over. With the holidays behind, she'd be sucked back to the dreadful routine of school, and homework in the afternoons. It was inevitable. But she could, at the very least, look pretty for her crush, maybe feel good about herself for a change. So, once again, she dove
Crying Inside/ Familiy Allergies
I heard about it, you're crying inside. You won't let it out so your body does it for you, brings forth the symptoms, and all of us bystanders seem unable recognize the obvious. Your sneezes, the watery eyes from seasonal hay fever, pollens give you a reason, you are permitted to cry. Tests say its allergy to mites; gluten got
Things that Fly
When noticing things that fly, vision strives upward, blackbirds shriek, common gray ones flutter on branches loaded with nutlets. But past the trees, up above, a huge bird of prey, not a vulture, some hawk, maybe an eagle, scans the city by air. Over the buildings, gliding with patience, unhurriedly, up where time is different, and mountains surpass man made
The Amber Pearl
She lay alone again, thought she might cease to be, in the disarray of the unsupported mattress, the humid night, her newness to love. But someone was there, even greater than herself, a pearl, sleeping in a cold river, reflecting amber light back into her head. She knew she'd lost, and back then believed it was everything. But one night, when
Night Shift 1
There is something about the crickets Paired with summer nights Something about nighttime Sets the atmosphere of dreams into motion So dreams must be a natural tendency of night And crickets The natural announcers Of the time for dreams Unseen jewels at dusk Murmur of water Rubbing down rocks The garden's faint gleam And left are white diamonds Elegant on leaves
CHAPTER 5 ¿Who Will help Sonia? "Sonia is such a chubba", said Dany, Rhaya's middle daughter, "like it was already after twelve, and we were in bed, and she said —I need more ice cream, let's go downstairs— and I was like ¡no way! You already had one whole pint of cookie dough. I was like LOL” Dany smiled fondly.
Bodies and Gurus continued
Rhaya got on with the program a week later. The lanky exercise lady's book never returned to its place in the shelf, she kept it close by, on her nightstand. Now she had all the tools needed to keep herself in check, using the book as reference material. An extreme urge pressed on her to do it flawlessly, with total
Bodies and Gurus
Chapter 4 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? Rhaya began her mission to eliminate the potbelly. A new impulse drove her away from daydreaming about her next-door neighbour, the beautiful boy with honey coloured hair and large hands. A fresh drive towards research had emerged. She'd find a strategy to loose the pot belly nuisance. Her parents library was sure to
He's hellish haven That won't stay still And I know damn well Not one to balance. His lunacy The sane one Discerns the complexities While the other side retorts in haste Laconic disregard of our bond. Soon, Rudeness spills from his sly grimace In the hopes I won't be able to tell If he hides Or if it's just those
He's still here but Is he still willing? More so than me Because he's my crab. His scorpio rises Riding a bull Pliers hurt But his outer shell Glistens. The creature is all about staying It persists Grabs Claims Instinct devotional and He prays to me drunk. But for what? No! I bid him to stop And then again He's
Who are they? And where from? Old lovers, friends, sons, fathers, brothers Those who helped, guided, worried, cared Same ones who left, changed me for, walked away from, grew to hate My lost men. Who are they? Jitters arise for their attention I long for their excitement Mourning when they find another better Satisfied when they laugh it out Inevitably
The Item
There is a presence, an item, and it lives, without need for oxygen. But it's not him, even if my mind's eye insists. I made him up in the length of decades. After many words ensued, he inhabited my head, full of himself. He became a rant, annoying as a jump scare, never listened. But today I let him go,
You're so classic, almost baroque. Must be those strands, it's been a while since you let them be; coarse between my fingers, opulent mahogany curl, streaked with silver anguish, and the burnt butter of your skin. Yes, I know what the harshness of grey skies did to our mane. You're such a moth ball now, although I still like you
Time stamps
Time deals differently now. I ask to the invisible ¿have I been dislodged, dug out of somewhere, a matured stone turned crystal? ¿Or was something dug out from me? ¿Is it possible to go backward, find the place where I was brighter, before solidity? Maybe even further back, to the ancestors, in the deepest forests, when conversations happened all at
February skies my hearth, wind whispers my name transparent, knowledgable of its nature. I was raised in this winter quadrant, the Sun to the horizon, and they said it's in detriment but I'm not bothered. My name runs through and is lost, but will find other hearths on its unpredictable voyage. Because I randomize, that is my fort, gusts out
I guess you were meant to iron me out, after times of intense ambition, climbing cliffs, goat's hoofs embedded in solid rock. Games for climbers, persevere up the steep and, I suspect, maybe I got lost in it, and this round has to be the last of that. You must spend all of me, empty my pockets. Imagine our tie
¿Did I Just….?
¿Did I just realize truth while caught in the motion, amid the rat race, the traffic jam? Did he just pull up his mask and smile? ¿Did light flood the cabin while I stared, at the dented tail of the car in front of us, and what always has been just took a deep breath, and then exhaled relaxed? ¿Did
Clear Roads
A bit empty, Vacant, Unreachable as clouds. Detached, At the edge of boredom, Unimaginative, Disengaged, The blurred background, A minimalist painting, My canvas almost bare, And all could be. That a bird might traverse my crystalized space, A plane might soar into the deepest blue, Caressing the mist, That wings might spread, New things could appear.
Strange Riches
These strange riches given, Stand crumbling on the sullen street of times past. Grandma's house with its ceiling planks bent, A violent crack runs wild, the length of the dining room, Shut doors, melded to frames, Of childhoods past, stories kept, Flooded memories. But Scheherezade still waits inside Arabian Nights, Bound in real leather, tightly fit in the carved Italian
Sonia (novelette continues)
Chapter 3 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? Rhaya never forgot anything of what came after that particular morning, but it was clearly part of the past. Something she had gone through and seen to the very end. But now with her niece Sonia emotions stirred. A shake of the old vinaigrette which had been sitting in her mental fridge for
A Quiet Passion Film
After much hassle, trying with a VPN to no avail (hello VPN newbie) my sought-after Amazon movie remained unavailable in my region. So, I resorted to YouTube, not really my fave. This old laptop can't umph the volume enough for the platform. Resigned, I followed Emily's example and set up camp as a recluse, in my room, while the rest
Brother’s Soul Recap
He sits with a purpose, Stays without strain, Concise as a butterfly, A star self guided. Perspires soil, but his heart might bring rain, Trickling down, Streaming along clefts. He practices the main performance, Won't strive for more than this, Repetition his prayer, Renders sweet. And I do believe, His life might be a river, an intricately
Potbelly Bump (novelette continues)
Chapter 2 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? There is no such thing as a homemaker who is only that. A mother to three young ladies in their teens, Rhaya knew better than to conceive such bland thoughts about motherhood, even if the now older millennials insisted on asking what she did for a living, if she had a LinkedIn profile,
Rhaya’s Arrival (as told by the apprentice guardian)
Chapter 1 of the novelette ¿Who Will Help Sonia? I met Rhaya in the institutional green delivery room. I'm not complaining, it was a very decent hospital in the seventies. I was supposed to be there upon arrival when that baby's body was finally forced out into the dry, temperature controlled atmosphere. I didn’t know what to expect, this being my
Familiar Stranger
We don't know who he is. Some days, a misunderstood prophet, come back from the last days of his trials, when the townspeople wouldn't listen. Others, an artist taken over by a passion, meaning to write up in a frenzy, unable to stop himself, in some quest against time. ¿Will he reveal the secrets commended? His violin bold drama. Soon
Angel Codes in 5
The first time, I was gifted a smooth, white quartz. A milky crystal to hold and cherish for protection. That's what my mother-in-law, Marge, urged me to do. "It's already blessed," she said, "on my last trip, I stood inside the circle of the round temple and held it high to the sun. The shaman assured me it is charged
We still notice them, sometimes, but soon forget their presence. These days they swish more impetuously, in front of speeding vehicles, barely making it, overconfident. They stare down at us, perched on a myriad cables overhanging our city's space. Curious groups overseeing our bustle, the haste of our misunderstood time. Poised on roofs or in the hollows of a
Not much is needed, besides good food, select music, and the same unruly road. The 2016 SUV still delivers, though we should at least promise to change her front tires. Soon. Fortunately, our Oxford gray ride is trustworthy, even if she croaks over the dimpled streets of this overgrown city. This morning, your avocado toast soothes with the aroma of sprouted wheat,
Ballet Examination
In this room of light diffused Planks beaten by plies and tendus No leeway is given for pretense In space consecrated. Hands reach for the barre Religiously No piece of attire to cover misalignment Any lack in the labors of time. Soon, toe shoes rub in the rosin And left are minuscule splinters Shimmering in the grain. Breath keeps sheltered In
My Antonia
A quaint, soft cover book had been sitting around at home for years, in one moms Mexican rustic bookcases. Back in my twenties, she bought me a batch of English classics to read up. She saw me consume the dainty hardcovers from her Jane Austen collection. Bronte's Jane Eyre found me a new heroine in mom's pocket paperback. The yellowish
That hope springs eternal It has been said Sarcasm or bliss But what if hope be the mesh? Sifting, Dread of sharp gravel Impoverished thought disgraced Pictures torn and mended Voiced disarray Chimes hardened to rust No message conveyed. And if hope be the finest Might she be formed by air Flickers of matter Mysterious substance Prowess of light? That
Today Marianne's jeans fit tight. Reflected on the bedroom mirror Her rounded face announces A waxing moon Her swollen figure rising waters Plump transmutation of phases Compels time for curves Unapologetic Aphrodite above Smiles like cotton candy Remembering the soft babble Of Marianne's natal baby talk A young brook in her throat When Taurus in the horizon Oceans will wash
Home Element
His hands should feel like home Familiar as fresh morning coffee Otherwise I couldn't even imagine Steaming cups terrenal Espresso lust and mocha, Dribbling down the corners of our lips. And if our grounds were too alien I'd lose my way to such skin Because when a calm moons linger silent In his stoic eyes constricted His old beam permeates
I've pondered lately, looking out this lighthouse, the one we never considered stopping at. Your childhood boat cannot get close enough, it seems lost amongst the peaks of heaving challenge, dipping in a yes, swaying in a no. Yet, the beacon keeps doing the rounds, shedding light over the restless ocean of epochs. And we're still here, trying to moor.
I need Grace from the universe Miracles Strength under my feet Electric breath pushing upward. A new gift from the whole of it A token A pass Gateway to abundance Incoming tide on my barren bank. River of heaven I look up and plead from under Drench my porous faith Where broken stone invaded naive pebbles. Nourish me Ripple in
Song Spirit
My song spirit of past days delivers appropriate comment. Thoughts trigger melodies ongoing in the city airs, uploaded into particles invisible, that he knows well how to catch. Quick, he throws in the right phrase. Masterful in the art of capturing exact moments, almost a machine, he recovers musings leftover from sleep, memories believed to be forgotten, old coats hung
Four generations and then came you To close the gap between Our all encompassing tug of war Womanly passions and duties strung along Over the decades. Our many missions to stay worthy Thrown into the blender of time, But you might be able to snap open the corset Holding us in stunted breath, Waiting. Let us inhale then Little passions
The Whale Shark
She discovered his animal demon after marriage. A shadow in their ocean cave, an obscure figure pumping bubbles out his gills. The beast drew up powers from the deep, where cobalt blue went true black. Her own demons came forth unannounced, after the hookup. His' waited beneath for years, not needing oxygen to survive. When a baby, happiness was his
Lately roots awaken from slumber Memories dispersed, Whispers past Silent picture of her in a blue dress Running the fields like a promise. In autumn leaves lives matter Of this present consistency of body, And in the spring it still floats in seedlings, like her spirit. Along the old park quiet rocks lay Remembering her fields, Special loves I did
Greener Meadows
She needed proof from the outside, it wasn’t enough that her limbs ground and trembled from imposed rigor, her cramming in the exercise. “No more gorging, giving into cravings, no more nonsense,” ordered the familiar voice. It sounded so reasonable in her mind, that she could stop that silliness immediately. She had forgotten, again, the wide stare of the prejudiced
October Woman
She said things just happen without any sense of an underlying plan, that life is an unfair trial, in the end. I just listened. But she was fascinated nonetheless by destructive patterns. There was comfort in the old familiar going back and forth, just to be sure that the scales couldn’t possibly stay level. It consumed her in the cool
Rite of Passage
"Shush" instructed the winter wind, on a very cold morning. The Sun's familiar hug now weak, his usual toasty shawl much too light
Winter Scape Prayer
Make me the clearest water, a river's modest current, transparent to the Sun's arms, wintry cool though not frozen, winding lighthearted, all through
Prayer to go
Help my impulse, let only the purest emerge, don't allow me to think, enough pondering has been done here. Rush me toward my
Autumn shades
You’re dissolving, an invisible flame burns the pages quietly in the stillness of your study. Ashen skies glow softly, cradling the twilight sun;
Rite of Passage
"Shush" instructed the winter wind, on a very cold morning. The Sun's familiar hug now weak, his usual toasty shawl much too light over my shoulders, and the steep cool-down
Winter Scape Prayer
Make me the clearest water, a river's modest current, transparent to the Sun's arms, wintry cool though not frozen, winding lighthearted, all through out the original land. Make me crisp
I enjoyed rummaging through my parent's bookcases, selecting any particular book by way of simple curiosity, almost by intuition. In this way, I came upon a variety of subjects that influenced my spirit: Jane Austin’s novels, Wuthering Heights, Zen Buddhism, Astrology, Dracula, Horacio Quiroga’s short stories, and many others.
Anytime something in life impinged on me I wrote. Be it from a book or life. So much material seemed to gather up over decades that I decided to use it, build on that, discover hidden stories I hadn’t realized existed, and tell my own.
My content tends to be about women, the feminine. Not always, but mostly. It seems we have so many nuances that one lifetime isn’t enough to express them.
I don’t believe in searching for the dramatic to have a story, a poem, or lyrical prose. Life, as it presents itself, is full, silently dramatic, constantly in motion, even in the most contemplative states.
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