A Quiet Passion Film
After much hassle, trying with a VPN to no avail (hello VPN newbie) my sought-after Amazon movie remained unavailable in my region. So, I resorted to YouTube, not really my fave. This old laptop can't umph the volume enough for the platform.  Resigned, I followed Emily's example and set up camp as a recluse, in my room, while the rest of the family watched a popular dystopian series in the TV room. Closed the door, drew the curtains, placed the...

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My Antonia
A quaint, soft cover book had been sitting around at home for years, in one moms Mexican rustic bookcases. Back in my twenties, she bought me a batch of English classics to read up. She saw me consume the dainty hardcovers from her Jane Austen collection. Bronte's Jane Eyre found me a new heroine in mom's pocket paperback. The yellowish pages from her Wuthering Heights copy, revealed the kind of obscure romance I could get hooked on, and dwell on...

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