Autumn shades
You’re dissolving, an invisible flame burns the pages quietly in the stillness of your study. Ashen skies glow softly, cradling the twilight sun; soft autumn light drizzles between branches, beyond the sliding window of your routine. You're are fading, while scribbling the usual, at your desk. My body only wants a moment, this very one, no past or future, no history to tell, no projections for tomorrow. In this way I will disappear too, and though you'll remember I was...

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Crying Inside/ Familiy Allergies
I heard about it, you're crying inside. You won't let it out so your body does it for you, brings forth the symptoms, and all of us bystanders seem unable recognize the obvious. Your sneezes, the watery eyes from seasonal hay fever, pollens give you a reason, you are permitted to cry. Tests say its allergy to mites; gluten got a high probability, but no one knows for sure and probably never will. The specialist assures the shots may do...

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The Amber Pearl
She lay alone again,  thought she might cease to be, in the disarray of the unsupported mattress, the humid night, her newness to love. But someone was there, even greater than herself,  a pearl, sleeping in a cold river, reflecting amber light back into her head. She knew she'd lost, and back then believed it was everything. But one night, when summer began to dwindle, she realized she remained, above herself, as varnish sometimes does, even over worn out wood. Next...

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CHAPTER 5  ¿Who Will help Sonia? "Sonia is such a chubba", said Dany, Rhaya's middle daughter, "like it was already after twelve, and we were in bed, and she said —I need more ice cream, let's go downstairs— and I was like ¡no way! You already had one whole pint of cookie dough. I was like LOL” Dany smiled fondly. She could see it. Sonia had a problem with food, but found it endearing nonetheless.  “But its not like anyone...

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Bodies and Gurus
Chapter 4 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? Rhaya began her mission to eliminate the potbelly. A new impulse drove her away from daydreaming about her next-door neighbour, the beautiful boy with honey coloured hair and large hands. A fresh drive towards research had emerged. She'd find a strategy to loose the pot belly nuisance. Her parents library was sure to have a book that could provide a sure shot solution. Of not so, ¿why did they keep so many different...

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He's hellish haven That won't stay still And I know damn well Not one to balance. His lunacy The sane one Discerns the complexities While the other side retorts in haste Laconic disregard of our bond. Soon, Rudeness spills from his sly grimace In the hopes I won't be able to tell If he hides Or if it's just those damaged goods. He's karmic A jailer A jail Too potent for my taste bud But I'm addicted nonetheless To the...

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Who are they? And where from? Old lovers, friends, sons, fathers, brothers Those who helped, guided, worried, cared Same ones who left, changed me for, walked away from, grew to hate My lost men. Who are they? Jitters arise for their attention I long for their excitement Mourning when they find another better Satisfied when they laugh it out Inevitably expecting A reaction. Why them? Why me? Who were we until now? Old flames in transformation Merge and part And...

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You're so classic, almost baroque. Must be those strands, it's been a while since you let them be; coarse between my fingers, opulent mahogany curl, streaked with silver anguish, and the burnt butter of your skin. Yes, I know what the harshness of grey skies did to our mane. You're such a moth ball now, although I still like you in a suit, when you give off the aroma of a cool cathedral, enclosed, quiet. Time's debris floats in subdued...

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February skies my hearth, wind whispers my name transparent, knowledgable of its nature. I was raised in this winter quadrant, the Sun to the horizon, and they said it's in detriment but I'm not bothered. My name runs through and is lost, but will find other hearths on its unpredictable voyage. Because I randomize, that is my fort, gusts out of synch. But today the Sun has snuggled up to Saturn, and I must see reality, fine as this day's...

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I guess you were meant to iron me out, after times of intense ambition,  climbing cliffs, goat's hoofs embedded in solid rock. Games for climbers, persevere up the steep and, I suspect, maybe I got lost in it, and this round has to be the last of that. You must spend all of me, empty my pockets. Imagine our tie as a promise made a while back, of bleeding it all away, and soon to come, the full transfusion. Total...

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