Bodies and Gurus continued
Rhaya got on with the program a week later. The lanky exercise lady's book never returned to its place in the shelf, she kept it close by, on her nightstand. Now she had all the tools needed to keep herself in check, using the book as reference material. An extreme urge pressed on her to do it flawlessly, with total concentration. All other aspects of her life would have to wait, like cleaning her room; talking to Gaby, her best...

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Bodies and Gurus
Chapter 4 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? Rhaya began her mission to eliminate the potbelly. A new impulse drove her away from daydreaming about her next-door neighbour, the beautiful boy with honey coloured hair and large hands. A fresh drive towards research had emerged. She'd find a strategy to loose the pot belly nuisance. Her parents library was sure to have a book that could provide a sure shot solution. Of not so, ¿why did they keep so many different...

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Sonia (novelette continues)
Marshmallow candy
Chapter 3 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? Rhaya never forgot anything of what came after that particular morning, but it was clearly part of the past. Something she had gone through and seen to the very end. But now with her niece Sonia emotions stirred. A shake of the old vinaigrette which had been sitting in her mental fridge for ages. The contents still there, unchanged, but for a while the particles whirled in chaos before settling.  Sunny Sonia had...

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Potbelly Bump (novelette continues)
Chapter 2 from ¿Who Will Help Sonia? There is no such thing as a homemaker who is only that. A mother to three young ladies in their teens, Rhaya knew better than to conceive such bland thoughts about motherhood, even if the now older millennials insisted on asking what she did for a living, if she had a LinkedIn profile, or what her professional title was. Sometimes, on a flight to see her sister Amanda, who lived south, she came...

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Rhaya’s Arrival (as told by the apprentice guardian)
Chapter 1 of the novelette ¿Who Will Help Sonia?  I met Rhaya in the institutional green delivery room. I'm not complaining, it was a very decent hospital in the seventies. I was supposed to be there upon arrival when that baby's body was finally forced out into the dry, temperature controlled atmosphere. I didn’t know what to expect, this being my very first job as a guardian. As soon as she shot out of the liquid medium and fell into the...

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